Ashlands Primary School

"Every child has the right to shine"

Early Years Holiday Club for Nursery & Reception

At Ashlands Early Years Holiday Club children have fun taking part in a wide range of activities that change throughout the year. They get messy creating seasonally themed arts and crafts, they bake, they listen to stories and enjoy making music and singing.

The children are encouraged to play outside whatever the weather and in the warmer months they are able to use the field for play, outdoor learning and picnics. We have a wonderful outdoor classroom and garden where the children get involved in planting fruit and vegetables, pond dipping and spotting our regular bird, insect and butterfly visitors. We even have our very own beehives!

The Holiday Club will not operate on all Public Bank Holidays.

Christmas Holiday

Open – Monday 23.12.24

Re-opens on Thursday 02.01.25 Holiday Club will be open on Monday 06.01.25 (the rest of school returns to school on Tuesday 07.01.25)

February ½ term Open Monday 17.02.25 – Friday 21.02.25

Easter – Open Monday 07.04.25 – Friday 11.04.25

Spring Bank Open Tuesday 27.05.25 – Friday 30.05.25

Open Monday 02.06.25 (rest of school returns to school on Tuesday 03.06.25)

Summer Holiday

Open Monday Monday 21st July until Friday 16th August.

Re-opening date to be confirmed once the academic year for 2025 – 2026 has been finalised.

Nursery Funding Information

Parents of children who attend Ashlands nursery in term time are able to spread their 15 / 30 hours funding across the holiday club. Please contact the school office for further information.

If you have any questions, or require further information, please contact the school office.

If you are a non Ashlands family and wish to book, please contact the school office.


9.00am – 3.30 pm = £40

9.00am – 1.00pm = £20

8.00am – 5.15pm = £50

How to Book a place

If you are an Ashlands parent you are able to book a place on Arbor.

Please select whether booking for a full or half day.

If you wish to pay using childcare vouchers, the Tax-Free Childcare System or have surplus 30 hours funding (nursery children) please contact the school office to discuss and book.

If you use the extended option, either before or after school or both we will add an extra charge of £10 retrospectively when we return to school in January.

CEO: Ms Helen Williams
Cowpasture Road Ilkley West Yorkshire LS29 8TR
The Multi Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales, limited by guarantee with registered Company number 07663864