Ashlands Primary School

"Every child has the right to shine"

OFSTED Reports and Quotes

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Quotes From Parents

  • This is an outstanding school where each pupil is catered for exceptionally well.
  • Pupils including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities achieve outstandingly well.
  • Children enjoy their learning and make excellent progress to reach high standards in all subjects when they leave the school.
  • Exceptionally good preparation for secondary education, high standard and their very good social skills all contribute to preparing pupils outstandingly well for the future.
  • Exemplary behaviour and spiritual, moral, social and cultural developments are displayed by these joyful and confident young people because they are held in such high regard.
  • Equality of opportunity for all and tackling discrimination are non-negotiable aspects of the school’s character and they are promoted exceptionally well.
  • Pupils of all ages have enquiring minds and develop an abiding curiosity. The school environment is enlivening, dynamic and very attractive because of the numerous examples of children’s work on display.
  • A recent Celebration Assembly demonstrated so beautifully the values at the heart of Ashlands. I saw:
    • a student helping another student into the hall to sit down in the right place
    • many students proudly sharing and explaining the very creative work they had been doing, all of whom seemed totally engaged in what they had been learning about.
    • Some children were clearly challenging themselves to stand up and speak out in front of a crowd, which in itself demonstrates that they felt they were in a safe and supportive environment in which to do so.
    • children were given a supportive hug or an arm round the shoulder as well as constant smiles of support and encouragement when they needed it from a teacher or TA
    • A whole year group dancing and singing their hearts out that “Everything is Awesome”
  • I thought the assembly demonstrated so perfectly the joy, care and support that the children are surrounded by at Ashlands. It oozed out of everyone there’. 

Quotes From The Children

  • We all get along, we’re safe and everyone is welcome
  • I like all the Focus Weeks,  we have like Arts Week, Book Week, Enterprise Week and Science Week. They are interesting and we learn new skills whilst having fun
  • I like that we do lots of different sports through the year, my favourite is cricket
  • Problems are not ignored, they are dealt with by the teachers and they always listen to both sides of the story
  • I love all the different plays and performances that we do throughout our time at school like nativities, May Pole Dancing and the Summer Performance and of course the highlight, the Year 6 Show!
  • My favourite subject is music and I love that we have our own school orchestra, Razzmatazz
  • I love that the pupils have a voice and our opinion matters. We get the chance to be a rep, for the school newspaper, a dinner rep, an eco rep or a class rep. We also have the responsibility of showing parents round school at Open Days which I really enjoyed doing
  • It’s great that we have lots of different assemblies like singing and house point assembly and that  different people come in to talk to us , like authors, artists, parents who have different, interesting jobs, firemen and even bee keepers!
  • We are lucky to have a school field that we get to play on in the summer. I also think are classrooms are nice and big and we have a lovely view out of the windows of the moor!
  • Rotas at playtime for things like football and the trim trail  make it fair for everyone
  • It’s fair, children get awards not just for being the best at something but also for things like most improved
  • The Robinwood Residential Trip we did at the beginning of Year 6 is the best thing I have ever done in my life!!!!
  • The dinners are fab, we have our own chef and my favourites are the shepherds pie and spaghetti and meatballs

CEO: Ms Helen Williams
Cowpasture Road Ilkley West Yorkshire LS29 8TR
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