Booking for February Half Term Early Holiday Club for nursery and reception age children is now open. If you are a non-Ashlands parent and would like to book a place, please contact the school office.

Ashlands Primary School

"Every child has the right to shine"

Maths at Ashlands

We follow the White Rose Maths scheme of work as a base to our curriculum teaching.

Maths Policies and Assessment

Helpful Documents for Parents

Useful websites to support children’s learning.

These are some of the websites we use in school to support the children’s learning, some of these websites need subscriptions.

BBC Bitesize: Home – BBC Bitesize
Education City:
Hit the button: Hit the Button – Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (
ICT Games:
Mathsbot: Manipulatives –
Maths Zone:
NRich: https: //
Numbots: NumBots | Motivational maths practice for schools and families.
Numeracy Shed: http:
Primarygames, Teaching fractions, tables etc:
Primary Games Arena: Primary Maths Games (
Times Table Check: Times tables games – Learn them all here!
TT Rockstars User Guide: TT Rockstars
TT Rockstars:

Greater Depth Maths Day

On Friday 29th November we went to Burley Oaks to do a ‘Greater Depth’ maths day.

‘Some of the things we learnt about were tangrams, the base 10 system and we designed our own number system. I liked the 7 game and doing binary which was really fun!’
Elodie Y6

Active Maths Week

Each class’ maths ambassador came together to say what they would like (or not like) from the maths week and staff were given an extensive list of suggestions including baking, competitions and designing outdoor maths games!

As you can see from the photographs and work the week was a great success!

There was a range of active maths activities that happened throughout the week. Some of these were; a local maths trail, orienteering, baking (measuring), designing maths games for younger children, designing games on the computer, directing Bee Bots, outdoor maths games, taste testing to support statistics, a trip to Eureka to support measure and money, shape work and escape rooms! A visit from Tagtiv8 to support maths learning outside the classroom rounded off a fantastic week!

A lot of cross curricular maths work was going on and children were making links with previous learning. There was also a whole school TT Rockstar battle.

The winning class of the battle were Year 4 Yew in a very close final hour against Year 3 Apple! By the end of the week the top three players across school each received an outdoor maths game prize for their class.

We all had great fun!

Maths Morning in Year 5

As part of our ‘Maths is fun’ morning this half term Year 5 have been doing some codebreaking using their maths skills. This has linked to their curriculum work.

They worked in groups to crack different codes including co-ordinates, letter scrambles, pigpen ciphers, mathematical calculations. See some of the photos of the children cracking the codes and working collaboratively.

Maths across school (Early Years – Year 6)

The children in Year 2 have been consolidating their learning of tens and ones and finding sequences of numbers. They had to hunt for numbers hidden around the playground and then put them in order to count and see what sequence they were going up in. 

Look at the great part-whole models the children made using conkers and sticks to represent tens and ones.

Cross Curricular Maths

Hedgehog buns linked to habitats.

Making structures from newspaper using mathematical shapes and DT skills to build an Eiffel tower as tall as they can!

Victorian investigations and designing games based around the book ‘Street Child’ set in Victorian London.

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CEO: Ms Helen Williams
Cowpasture Road Ilkley West Yorkshire LS29 8TR
The Multi Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales, limited by guarantee with registered Company number 07663864