Booking for Easter Early Years Holiday Club for nursery and reception age children is now open. If you are a non-Ashlands parent and would like to book a place, please contact the school office.

Ashlands Primary School

"Every child has the right to shine"

Music at Ashlands

Music is very much part of the children’s school day right from joining us in nursery. There are music and songs in the classroom for the younger children and as they progress through the school weekly singing assemblies and music within the curriculum. We put on shows and performances throughout the year for parents to come and watch, with children encouraged to perform at various events throughout the school year. We also have a weekly lunchtime singing club for children in Key Stage 2, who have regular opportunities to perform to an audience.


Razzmatazz is the school orchestra and it meets on a Friday morning at 8.30am in the hall. Razzmatazz is an orchestra for everyone. You can join whether or not you have instrument lessons and you can borrow school instruments. We let children choose whether to read music or work music out by ear as we teach them how to become responsive members of a musical group. Razzmatazz depends on its adult volunteers, and some of our most inspirational volunteers are adults who are learning alongside their children: so please pop in on a Friday morning if you would like to join them.

Paid for Music Activities at Ashlands

Once your child is in Key Stage 2 they can have musical instrument lessons during the school day. Teachers come and teach instruments in school, small group or individual lessons are available and parents pay Bradford Council directly.

To get started, you’ll need to fill in an online form, click on the below link for further information:

Home – Bradford Music Education Hub (

Registration – Music & Arts Service (

Demos can be listened to here:

You can hire or buy an instrument, please follow the below link for further details:

Where to Buy/Hire an Instrument – Bradford Music Education Hub (

Subsidies and Grants for paid-for lessons

Children who have Free School Meals may qualify for a year’s free group tuition. Apply in the summer term, ticking the box on the instrument lessons form.

If your child is on the Special Educational Needs Register it may be possible for your child to have individual lessons for the lower price of group lessons. Please speak to your child’s class teacher for more information.

Bradford Music Hub runs a “Delius School” programme for talented young musicians. You audition for this programme. If successful, you commit to a monthly Sunday music school in central Bradford, and receive a certain number of in-school lessons without charge or a contribution towards private lessons.

Music Teaching Within the Curriculum

Our bespoke music curriculum enables all children to develop listening, performing and composing skills. Alongside this, every child will have the opportunity to learn an instrument. This begins in Key Stage One, with untuned percussion in Year 1 and glockenspiel in Year 2. In Key Stage Two, children will learn recorder in Year 3 and Year 4, then ukulele in Year 5 and Year 6. 

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The Multi Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales, limited by guarantee with registered Company number 07663864