Booking for Easter Early Years Holiday Club for nursery and reception age children is now open. If you are a non-Ashlands parent and would like to book a place, please contact the school office.

Ashlands Primary School

"Every child has the right to shine"

PE and Sport at Ashlands

Our school believes that the delivery of high-quality physical education, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is a unique and vital contributor to both a pupil’s physical development and mental well-being. We aim to inspire pupils to develop an enjoyment and appreciation of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, as well as supporting the children in their development of both individual and team building skills, so that they can develop a lifelong enjoyment of exercise and an understanding of its positive benefits.


Children in Year 5&6 have the opportunity of improving their biking skills through a Bikeability Programme which is run in the summer term and autumn term respectively. 


Children in Year 3 have swimming lessons at Ilkley Pool on a Friday morning as part of the National Curriculum. Children in older year groups, who have not achieved the National Curriculum requirement, are given the opportunity to swim towards the end of each academic year.

PE BLOG – Find out what’s happening at
Ashlands Primary School…

EYFS Sports Day fun!

Year 5 23.6.23

Last week, Ted Airey from 5 Cedar went to Italy with Leeds United Academy to take part in the Pulcino D’oro football tournament. Every day they played a number of matches against other academy teams from around the world. Although they did not get to the final, they did achieve a great result of coming 8th out of 50 teams. A fantastic result for Leeds! After the final, which was won by a team from Argentina, there was a medal ceremony. Ted said that he felt really proud to play for his team and he scored 6 goals across the tournament. “It was a great opportunity and an exciting experience. Swimming in the pool on the last day was fantastic!” 

Year 3 14.6.23

Year 3 spent their PE lesson this week getting into the Sports Day spirit by practicing their running skills! 

They sprinted, completed a bean bag shuttle run and then learnt about being “Run Ready” – how best to get into a good running position for the ultimate performance! It was a very hot afternoon session, but there were two triumphant teams overall and there is going to be some very tense sports day action this year for sure! 

Year 2 9.6.23

Ruben in Year 2 Beech, very proudly, brought in his gymnastics medal to share with his class this week. He has been working extremely hard outside of school to receive this award and we are all immensely proud of him. Well done, Ruben!

Year 6 26.5.23

Harris from 6 Chestnut, is a member of Ilkley Gym Club and recently competed in the British Finals in Stoke-on-Trent. With his partner, he performed an Acro Gymnastic routine. Competing against eight other pairs and Harris came 4th, with a score of 24.7. out of 30. A budding Olympic gymnast – watch out for him in years to come.

Here is 6 Birch’s, Lily, our budding Olympic swimmer. Lily swims for Ilkley and Bradford swimming club. Recently Lily won 2 Gold and 2 Silver medals at the Ilkley Championships. Lily won Gold in 50m Breaststroke and 50m Butterfly and Silver in 50m Backstroke and 50m Front Crawl. Super swimming Lily!

Year 4 22.5.23

Year 4 have been navigating an exciting orienteering course around the school grounds to tie in with Maths Week. Each station had a problem to solve and each answer corresponded to a letter which spelt out a phrase.  The children had fun in teams reading maps and trying to be the first team to finish the course.

Year 1 12.5.23

Year 1 enjoyed a fun outdoors PE lesson, last Friday. The children practised their sending and returning skills, whilst competing with their peers. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful outdoor space to be able to enjoy impromptu lessons like this! Check out some of the concentration faces…

Ashlands success at the Bradford District Primary Schools Cross Country Final.

Congratulations to our Year 3/4 Tag Rugby Team

Winning 5 of their 7 matches, there were sterling performances from all the children involved; speedy sprints, deadly defending and tremendous “tagging” all round! Fabulous team effort and attitude shown throughout by all.

Well done to our Year 3 / 4 Tag Rugby team, who finished in 3rd place at the Primary Sports League Tag Rugby tournament!

Huge Congratulations to Max and Seb who were selected to run in the West Yorkshire Schools Cross Country and the National Cross Country in Leicestershire.

Cross Country Success

In the West Yorkshires, Max came 3rd and Seb 2nd in their age groups. At Nationals Max was 54th (out of over 200 runners) and Seb was 3rd (out of about 150).  These are amazing results for both boys and make Ashlands incredibly proud.

Well done to our Year 6 Boys Football Team!

Well done to our Year 6 boys in their recent tournament against other primary schools.

They got through the group stages to get to the Europa League to get to the final.

They were runners up to Sacred Heart.

Ashlands Sports Gallery

Thank you to and Karen Ross Photography who have taken some of the photographs below.

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CEO: Ms Helen Williams
Cowpasture Road Ilkley West Yorkshire LS29 8TR
The Multi Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales, limited by guarantee with registered Company number 07663864