Booking for February Half Term Early Holiday Club for nursery and reception age children is now open. If you are a non-Ashlands parent and would like to book a place, please contact the school office.

Ashlands Primary School

"Every child has the right to shine"

Little Acorns Early Years Foundation Stage Unit

Mrs C Collin – Class Teacher

Ms K Hemming – Class Teacher

Little Acorns Support Team

Ms K Dawson

Mrs C Hodgson (Monday – Tuesday)

Ms S Smith (and Early Years Holiday Club Leader)

Ms R Naylor

Mrs L Rutter (Wednesday – Friday)

Starting school is a milestone for both parents and children. We want to make sure that these first steps away from home are happy for you both. Parents are the first and most important teachers and we will work with you to ensure that your child’s first experience of school is a positive one.

At Ashlands we aim to provide high quality education and care for children who attend our setting. The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum is the centre of our work and during the week the children access a full and varied curriculum. We ensure that the children learn and develop at their own pace, they acquire some skills quickly while others take a little longer. A play based environment allows the children to learn and practise skills in a way which is meaningful to them.

Outdoor play is an essential part of the curriculum. The Early Years Unit have their own lovely playground as well as being able to use the school field in the warmer weather. Children need to bring a waterproof coat each day; the weather is changeable, and we go out in all weathers.

It would be useful for the children to have a named pair of wellies that can stay at school on their peg in a carrier bag. If your child has waterproof trousers they would also be useful (please don’t buy any specially).

All items of clothing need to be labelled, particularly jumpers.

Little Acorn children do not need a water bottle, we provide milk and water at snack times, and there is water on the tables at lunchtime too. Fruit or vegetables are available throughout the day and children are able to visit the snack table when they choose to.

We stay in touch with parents and carers through regular newsletters, Stay and Play sessions and Parents Evening’s twice a year.

Information for parents

Little Acorns Information Evening – 11th September

Please find below copies of the presentations & QR codes from the recent Information Evening.

Nursery Funding Information

Bradford Early Years Funded Hours Parental Agreement Form

Nursery Terms & Conditions can be found on our policies tab – click here

Nursery Waiting List Application Form

Reconfirmation Parent Guide – 30 Hours

How Parents Can Access Childcare Services

Are you looking for support with childcare costs?

Childcare Choices brings together all the government childcare offers in one place for the first time. The Childcare Choices website makes it easy to find out what’s on offer.

Use the Childcare Calculator at to see what offers are available to support you and your family, as well as current schemes, Childcare Choices introduces Tax-Free Childcare and 30 hours.

To find out more about the new and existing offers, and how they can help you, go to the Childcare Choices website today at

Ashlands offers 30 hours places, please contact the school office for more information.


We have been exploring colour mixing in nursery. We have used a variety of materials to explore the changes.

Camping Fun

Tours Of Reception

Tours of Reception

Tapestry Information

Ashlands uses Tapestry as an online learning journal provider for your child in Nursery or Reception.

Tapestry allows you to login with a secure username and password so you can view some of the things your child has been doing and learning at school. You can like and add comments and it’s also possible for you to add your own pictures and videos of activities your child enjoys doing at home.

All data that is entered to Tapestry is stored securely on their servers. If you are interested in finding out more information about this, you can go to

Once we have set you up with an account you will be able to login using any web browser from or by downloading the Tapestry app from the Play or App store, depending on what type of device you are using. Remember, if you are going to use the App version of Tapestry to ensure auto updates are turned on for your device so you always have the most up to date version of the app.

 Below are tutorial guides to help you look through the different features Tapestry offers.

CEO: Ms Helen Williams
Cowpasture Road Ilkley West Yorkshire LS29 8TR
The Multi Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales, limited by guarantee with registered Company number 07663864